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School Crime Reporting

In order to obtain an accurate local picture of school crime and to develop the partnerships necessary to plan and implement school safety programs, PA 532 of 2016 (Sect. 380.1310a) for reporting certain incidents was put into effect. Per PA 532 of 2016, each school building shall collect and keep current on a weekly basis the information required for the report and must provide that information, within 7 days, upon request. At least annually, each school board shall make a copy disaggregated by school building, of the most recent report for the school district under subsection (2) available to the parent or legal guardian of each pupil enrolled in the school district. Each school board shall post this information on its website at least annually.

The reporting shall include at least crimes involving:

  • physical violence
  • gang-related activity
  • illegal possession of a controlled substance or controlled substance analogue, or other intoxicant
  • trespassing
  • property crimes including, but not limited to, theft and vandalism. For a property crime, the report shall include an estimate of the cost to the school district resulting from the property crime.

Incident reports can be found under the "Related Links" section.