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For Parents


Information for Parents

The Jackson County Intermediate School District offers parents and their families numerous educational opportunities -- for everyone from infants to teenagers to the adults, we have educational programs for you!  Learn more about these exciting programs here on our website by clicking on the following links:

Adult Education
Take classes at night -- as a hobby, for professional certification, or even college credit -- through the Jackson Area Career Center.

Camp McGregor
The JCISD operates this 85-acre natural park on the shores of Crispell Lake.  It includes the Math and Science Center, a high-powered, computerized telescope, nature trails, a lodge with seating for 100, cabins, a picnic shelter, sandy beach and more!  The facility is available for rent to the public.

Great Start Collaborative of Jackson County
Get your child off to a good start with the help of this collaborative specializing in assistance for children ages 0-8.

Jackson Area Career Center
The Jackson Area Career Center is one of the county's "gems", providing the best in career and technical education.  We offer nearly 30 programs we offer where you can get FREE college credit and/or professional certifications.

Math & Science Center
The Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center is one of 33 centers in the State of Michigan charged with improving the quality of Mathematics and Science education. The Center provides parents with practical tips and other assistance,  and along with a variety of community partners, the Center provides real-world applications to students. Check out the activities, opportunities and workshops available!

Special Education
The JCISD takes great pride in the services we offer Special Education students and their families, as well as the care provided by our professional staff.  Learn more about the services available through the JCISD and other community resources.

Complaints or concerns related to JCISD staff or program compliance with various anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws and policies should be directed to one of the following individuals:
Dan Draper, Principal, Jackson Area Career Center, 517-768-5100
Brittany O'Rourke, Principal, Torrant & Kit Young Centers, 517-787-8910
Elizabeth Gayle, Director of Human Resources, 517-768-5155