Dates Deadlines and Updates
Dates, Deadlines & Updates: 2023-24 Updates coming soon!!
Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
- September 7 - MASFPS 31a Series Session 1 (Info | Register)
- September 15 - School Level Goals Due (98b - see info below)
- "First 9 weeks of school" - K-8 benchmarks administered (104h - see info below)
- September 22 & 23 - Special Populations Conference (Info | Register)
- September 28 - MASFPS Professional Learning Institute Session 1 (Info | Register)
State Updates
Consolidated App Update
- The Con App for 2022/23 will be similar to what was completed for 21/22 (but hopefully on more normal timelines):
- NexSys: Accepting funds, Title I School Selection, Equitable Services, Required Reservations
- MEGS+: Budgets
- It is anticipated that initial allocations will be posted in May and that NexSys and MEGS+ will open so we can start working on our applications. Expect a June 30 submission deadline so that you are able to get a July 1 obligation date for your federal funds.
Program Evaluation and Onsite Review
- Evaluation of your continuous improvement plan is built into MICIP.
- However, this will not satisfy MDE/U.S.E.D. requirements to evaluate how you are spending your State and Federal Program funds. The video linked below reviews what to do and goes over the two linked resources.
- Program Evaluation - Template | Example | Video Clip Explanation
Title IA Plans
- As a reminder, every school receiving Title IA funds must have an updated plan on file and be available to the public. It is suggested to update the plans annually when completing the consolidated application and linking the plans on the district transparency webpage.
Title IA Plan Template - Required for each Title I School
MiSchool Data Update
Look at personas to see different messages when you go in through the main topics
- Talking points sent monthly, new data and new reports are available
- NEW - Early Middle College programs - with maps
- Recently released slide
- blue underlined report names -- navigate to your data (if logged in)
- Annual Ed Report - Watch for a link and some slides to support - coming soon!
- Combined reports available in preview (embargoed)
- Month out for submission deadline
- Data validation has begun - different from last year
- Educator qualifications
- School grades - very soon
- Grad (four-year adjusted) and On-Track soon
- Parent Dashboard
- School expenditures per pupil - available soon
- Staff changes? Please note! Keep contacts current (tech contacts tab)
- MiSchoolData Webinar series/YouTube channel is alive and well - check in regularly and submit ideas and requests