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Data Access

MI SCHOOL DATA is the state of Michigan transparency reporting website where the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI)  and MDE have worked in cooperation to provide public information on student testing, early childhood services, post-secondary, workforce and teacher and school performance.  Click on the link below to access much of the information needed to complete your School Improvement or District Improvement Plan.

MI School Data Website

Michigan Proficiency Targets:
The state of Michigan has supplied local districts with a proficiency target range to reach 85% of all students proficient in EVERY content area tested by the school year 2021-2022. Click on the link below to find your schools' projected targets by using the find and search feature in the program.

Projected Targets for Michigan Schools

Michigan District and School Accountability Scorecards
The Michigan School Accountability Dashboard and Index system combines traditional accountability metrics with transparency dashboards and CSI and TSI School designations, and meet other state and federal requirements. Click on the link below to find more information on school accountability.

Michigan School Accountability